Our Fall Court of Honor was held on October 22, 2018 at Immaculate Conception Church in Annandale, NJ. Father Jay Toborowsky, an Eagle Scout, said the opening prayer and our new Senior Patrol Leader, Nate Nemeth called for the presentation of colors.
The following Scouts Advanced in Rank: Aidan Berson (Star), Luke Marosy and Daniel Pedretti (Life). Over 80 Merit badges were handed out to the following Scouts:
Aidan B – Camping, Cooking, Electronics, Life Saving; Alex L., Fish and Wildlife Mangement, Photography; Andrew Bozzi: Camping, Cit. in the Community, Family Life, First Aid, Forestry, Weather, Welding, Wood Carving; Bo Pardo – Kayaking; Cameron L – Camping, Gardening, Electronics, Env. Science, Kayaking, Oceanography, Weather; Ethan L – Animal Science, Gardening, Fish & Wildlife Management, Kayaking, Mammal Study; George G. – Orienteering, Plumbing, Welding; Ian B. – Kayaking, Swimming, Fingerprinting; Jack G. – Art, Env. Science, Fingerprinting; John M. – Camping, Geocaching, Wilderness Survival; John S. – Kayaking; Justin V. – Camping, First Aid, Weather, Welding, Wood Carving; Luke M. – Camping, Electricity, Plumbing; Nate N. – Canoeing, Graphic Arts, Horsemanship, Personal Fitness, Plumbing, Pottery, Public Health, Pulp and Paper, Salesmanship, Scouting Heritage, Sculpture, Small-boat Sailing, Theater, Weather; Nick C. – Kayaking; Owen M. – Metal Work, Gardening, Welding; Phillip L. – Archaeology, Canoeing, Nature, Welding; Rusty G. – Fingerprinting, Kayaking, Swimming; Ryan S. – Env. Science, Fly Fishing, Kayaking, Metal Work, Oceanography; Zach E. – Forestry; Zack M. – Chemistry, Electricity, Electronics, Kayaking, Plumbing, Search and Rescue.
Throughout the event we had recaps of events since our June COH including Summer Camp, Blue Rocks Hike, and the Movie Campout. Phillip LaBelle closed the event with prayer before the colors were retired and we had light refreshments.
All of the Scouts should be proud of their hard work, dedication and accomplishments! Click here to read more.